What's Going On in the World
One of my favorite movies is Superman II. At the end of the movie- after
terrorists almost blow up Paris with a nuclear bomb and alien bad guys with
super powers wreak havoc on the Earth and almost take it over- Clark Kent has to
take Lois Lane's memory from her to protect his secret. When he does so, Lois
(who was at the center of all of these events) looks around at him and all her
coworkers at the Daily Planet and says, "What's going on in the
I know how she feels. For the past nine days, I have been on vacation
and I have purposely kept myself isolated from the events going on around me.
This was by design because I needed a break. Yes, I am a radical Patriot and I
have some definite and very clear opinions. At one time, I was galvanized by
both the surge in patriotism and in anti-American rhetoric I expended a great
deal of energy expressing my opinions, ideas, and concerns. However, once the
starting gun went off (pun intended) all of the talk, I came to the realization
that all of the debates, the controversy, and the discussions had sapped me.
What a wonderful time for my own, personal Spring Break to happen along. I
have spent the last week or so without being glued to the nonstop embedded
coverage of the news networks or listening to the modulated debates of the radio
talk show hosts. I have not read a paper nor have I consulted a news related web
page. I have spent the recent past happily oblivious to everything going on
outside of my range of vision and enjoying the budding Spring, some mindless
fun, and the company of my family.
I still care about what is going on and I am slowly and begrudgingly tuning
back into it but I am in no hurry.